CEILING LAMP MODEL 1844/1850. Brass with pleated fabric screen "Tulip", Josef Frank for Firma Svenskt Tenn, Stockholm.


20977. CEILING LAMP MODEL 1844/1850. Brass with pleated fabric screen "Tulip", Josef Frank for Firma Svenskt Tenn, Stockholm.


Height 115 cm. The model designed during the late 1920s.


Screen bleached and with stains.

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Highest bid:
73 EUR
Estimate: 137 EUR
Ends in:
7 Aug 2012 at 14:30 CDT
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Bid history

4 A 7 Aug, 14:1273 EUR
3 7 Aug, 14:1264 EUR
4 7 Aug, 13:3755 EUR
Show all 6 bids
20977. CEILING LAMP MODEL 1844/1850. Brass with pleated fabric screen "Tulip", Josef Frank for Firma Svenskt Tenn, Stockholm.


Height 115 cm. The model designed during the late 1920s.


Screen bleached and with stains.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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