DESK, 1960s/70s, Averskogs Möbelfabrik, Lammhult.


1880621. DESK, 1960s/70s, Averskogs Möbelfabrik, Lammhult.


Rosewood veneer, 4 drawers, aluminum handles, height approx. 72, 150x80 cm

CITES permit is included. Exporting outside the EU will require an additional export permit.


Wear, scratches, marks, stains occur.

Key/keys included.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
326 EUR
Estimate: 272 EUR
Ends in:
29 Sep 2021 at 15:16 EDT
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Bid history

6 A 29 Sep, 15:13326 EUR
4 29 Sep, 15:13308 EUR
6 29 Sep, 15:13290 EUR
Show all 15 bids
1880621. DESK, 1960s/70s, Averskogs Möbelfabrik, Lammhult.


Rosewood veneer, 4 drawers, aluminum handles, height approx. 72, 150x80 cm

CITES permit is included. Exporting outside the EU will require an additional export permit.


Wear, scratches, marks, stains occur.

Key/keys included.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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