
1757829. CUTLERY.


approx 96 dlr, silver, model Chippendale, mostly CG Hallberg, Stockholm, different years of manufacture, consisting of: 12 dinner knives, 13 dinner forks, 12 dinner spoons, 12 table knives, 11 table forks, 12 table spoons, 12 sandwich knives, 12 snack forks, weight excl. knives with steel blade 2160 g.


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Highest bid:
1 245 EUR
Estimate: 904 EUR
Ends in:
23 Jun 2021 at 12:17 EDT
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Bid history

1 A 23 Jun, 06:591 245 EUR
2 23 Jun, 06:591 243 EUR
1 A 23 Jun, 06:581 197 EUR
Show all 5 bids
1757829. CUTLERY.


approx 96 dlr, silver, model Chippendale, mostly CG Hallberg, Stockholm, different years of manufacture, consisting of: 12 dinner knives, 13 dinner forks, 12 dinner spoons, 12 table knives, 11 table forks, 12 table spoons, 12 sandwich knives, 12 snack forks, weight excl. knives with steel blade 2160 g.


No remarks.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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