53. PISTOL, Swiss, Semi-automatic, make Hämmerli, model 280, caliber .22LR, call no. 020629, se-no SE1953704.

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1663337. 53. PISTOL, Swiss, Semi-automatic, make Hämmerli, model 280, caliber .22LR, call no. 020629, se-no SE1953704.


Number of cartridges 6, barrel arrangement EP, barrel length 11.5 cm. Adjustable sight, anatomically adjustable wooden butt, removable magazine, the original box and an extra wooden butt and accessories included.


Worn interior in the box otherwise VERY GOOD CONDITION.


Spring weapon sale

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1663337. 53. PISTOL, Swiss, Semi-automatic, make Hämmerli, model 280, caliber .22LR, call no. 020629, se-no SE1953704.


Number of cartridges 6, barrel arrangement EP, barrel length 11.5 cm. Adjustable sight, anatomically adjustable wooden butt, removable magazine, the original box and an extra wooden butt and accessories included.


Worn interior in the box otherwise VERY GOOD CONDITION.


Spring weapon sale

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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