DRINKING JUG, silver. Stamped guard Jacob Nielsen, Oslo 1719-1741. Weight about 1010 grams.

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138190. DRINKING JUG, silver. Stamped guard Jacob Nielsen, Oslo 1719-1741. Weight about 1010 grams.


Cylindrical risk on three ball feet with bird claws. Driven and chiseled decor of flowers and leaves. In the lid is a partially gilded medal from the Reformation and Reigns of Trent 1545-63. One side depicts the pope and the other the devil with the text Ecclesia perversa tenet faciem diaboli (The distorted church has the face of a devil). On the other side shows a cardinal and in the other direction a joker with the text Sapientes stulti aliquando (Scholarly men are sometimes foolish). At the bottom is a coin with Fredrik III's monogram, king of Denmark and Norway 1648-1670, and text Dominus providebit (The Lord provides). Thumb grip in the form of an acanthus, handle decorated with mascaron. Height 18 cm.


One foot slightly pressed, small dents, with engraving.

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138190. DRINKING JUG, silver. Stamped guard Jacob Nielsen, Oslo 1719-1741. Weight about 1010 grams.


Cylindrical risk on three ball feet with bird claws. Driven and chiseled decor of flowers and leaves. In the lid is a partially gilded medal from the Reformation and Reigns of Trent 1545-63. One side depicts the pope and the other the devil with the text Ecclesia perversa tenet faciem diaboli (The distorted church has the face of a devil). On the other side shows a cardinal and in the other direction a joker with the text Sapientes stulti aliquando (Scholarly men are sometimes foolish). At the bottom is a coin with Fredrik III's monogram, king of Denmark and Norway 1648-1670, and text Dominus providebit (The Lord provides). Thumb grip in the form of an acanthus, handle decorated with mascaron. Height 18 cm.


One foot slightly pressed, small dents, with engraving.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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