Blandede medier (olie og sand) på lærred, 51 x 57,5 cm. Signeret L Cronqvist og dateret 1995.
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8 | 20 mar, 05:32 | 8 642 EUR |
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5 | 20 mar, 04:56 | 6 550 EUR |
8 A | 20 mar, 04:56 | 6 095 EUR |
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Blandede medier (olie og sand) på lærred, 51 x 57,5 cm. Signeret L Cronqvist og dateret 1995.
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Nybrogatan 32
114 39 Stockholm
Stockholms Auktionsverk proudly presents the second edition of The Signature Collection — a catalogue that, both in scope and content, surpasses the previous one. Once again, the selection is wonderfully diverse, combining works by renowned names with rare pieces spanning several centuries.
Among the auction’s top highlights are international works by three of modernism’s greatest artists. These are, in order: Marc Chagall’s affectionate color lithograph “Couple dans les mimosas”, Serge Poliakoff’s highly characteristic “Composition Noire, Jaune et Brune”, and Pierre Bonnard’s bronze sculpture “Suzanne et les vieillards”.
These gems are presented alongside a striking bright blue “Bamse” armchair by Hans J Wegner, a magnificent Empire chandelier by Johan Fredrik Björnstedt, a grand hall stand attributed to Hans Hansson Wikström — and much more.
A warm welcome to Stockholms Auktionsverk and the second edition of The Signature Collection!