617. SKOGLUND, NACKA ETC. With dedication.

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617. 629273. SKOGLUND, NACKA ETC. With dedication.


A million for a heel kick. Stockholm, 1956. 8vo in a decorated cardboard binding with stained and torn dust jacket. With dedication in ink on the front page: "To the old harper Gunnar from the friend Nacka". Possibly Gunnar Gren. + From Gröna Vallen to Wembley by Gunnar Gren. Gothenburg, 1958. 8vo in a mottled half-French binding. Fine submission. A total of 2 vols.


8vo in a mottled half-French binding. Fine submission.

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617. 629273. SKOGLUND, NACKA ETC. With dedication.


A million for a heel kick. Stockholm, 1956. 8vo in a decorated cardboard binding with stained and torn dust jacket. With dedication in ink on the front page: "To the old harper Gunnar from the friend Nacka". Possibly Gunnar Gren. + From Gröna Vallen to Wembley by Gunnar Gren. Gothenburg, 1958. 8vo in a mottled half-French binding. Fine submission. A total of 2 vols.


8vo in a mottled half-French binding. Fine submission.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 687