424. Rune Lindström (1916-1973). 2 manuscripts.

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424. 625430. Rune Lindström (1916-1973). 2 manuscripts.


Two odd objects from a. Rune Lindström, the man with the Himlaspelet in Leksand. Partly "Carl Larsson 1953" by Rune Lindström and Kjell Löwenadler. Folio in a cardboard binding with colored Carl Larsson motifs on the covers. Contains original drawings from Sundborn in ink by Löwenadler and a manuscript about Sundborn by Rune Lartsson. Published in Falu Courier July 3, 1953. The magazine is included. + The manuscript in a hemispherical folio band for Scripta amicorum 1954. Dedicated to Sewed Sjöholm on his fiftieth birthday in 1954. The manuscripts and illustrations in original.


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424. 625430. Rune Lindström (1916-1973). 2 manuscripts.


Two odd objects from a. Rune Lindström, the man with the Himlaspelet in Leksand. Partly "Carl Larsson 1953" by Rune Lindström and Kjell Löwenadler. Folio in a cardboard binding with colored Carl Larsson motifs on the covers. Contains original drawings from Sundborn in ink by Löwenadler and a manuscript about Sundborn by Rune Lartsson. Published in Falu Courier July 3, 1953. The magazine is included. + The manuscript in a hemispherical folio band for Scripta amicorum 1954. Dedicated to Sewed Sjöholm on his fiftieth birthday in 1954. The manuscripts and illustrations in original.


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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 890