253. PHOTO/PHOTOGRAPHY. Original photo of Albert Wilhelm Rahmn (1871-1947).

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253. 629017. PHOTO/PHOTOGRAPHY. Original photo of Albert Wilhelm Rahmn (1871-1947).


Framed black and white original photograph - In the wagon - taken by Albert Wilhelm Rahmn (1871-1947). Image area approx. 28cm. x 38 cm. Signed lower th on passepartoun. Depicts a coachman driving a horse-drawn carriage with 6 children in it. Rahmn was an assistant to Lina Jonn and then had studios everywhere before he opened his own in Lund in 1903 and became a court photographer with a studio in Malmö in 1909.


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253. 629017. PHOTO/PHOTOGRAPHY. Original photo of Albert Wilhelm Rahmn (1871-1947).


Framed black and white original photograph - In the wagon - taken by Albert Wilhelm Rahmn (1871-1947). Image area approx. 28cm. x 38 cm. Signed lower th on passepartoun. Depicts a coachman driving a horse-drawn carriage with 6 children in it. Rahmn was an assistant to Lina Jonn and then had studios everywhere before he opened his own in Lund in 1903 and became a court photographer with a studio in Malmö in 1909.


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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 1,016