103. BIBLIOPHILE EDITIONS. 4 works on archipelago.

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103. 624337. BIBLIOPHILE EDITIONS. 4 works on archipelago.


Lonely islands by Roland Svensson. Nr. 40 of 160 signed copies with a signed color lithograph. 4:oi a neat half-parchment band. Cassette. + Living in an archipelago by Erik Jonson. With a dedication from him and a signed lithograph in color by Hasse Lindberg. Nr. 23 of 300 in a well-tied blue morocco band with gilt decoration. Cassette.

+ Among cobbles and cuts by Axel Sjöberg. Tvär-4:oi a luxurious leather strap and cassette. Nr. 31 of 50 copies with an original drawing by the artist. + Archipelago life in the past by Roland Svensson in a tape by Hans Frostell. A total of 4 vols.


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103. 624337. BIBLIOPHILE EDITIONS. 4 works on archipelago.


Lonely islands by Roland Svensson. Nr. 40 of 160 signed copies with a signed color lithograph. 4:oi a neat half-parchment band. Cassette. + Living in an archipelago by Erik Jonson. With a dedication from him and a signed lithograph in color by Hasse Lindberg. Nr. 23 of 300 in a well-tied blue morocco band with gilt decoration. Cassette.

+ Among cobbles and cuts by Axel Sjöberg. Tvär-4:oi a luxurious leather strap and cassette. Nr. 31 of 50 copies with an original drawing by the artist. + Archipelago life in the past by Roland Svensson in a tape by Hans Frostell. A total of 4 vols.


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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 804