10. AIRSHIP HINDENBURG. 4 vintage prints by Richard Fleischhut.

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10. 628833. AIRSHIP HINDENBURG. 4 vintage prints by Richard Fleischhut.


Four b/w original photographs - vintage prints - taken from an unidentified ship when the Zeppelin airship Hindenburg passes by. The pictures are taken by the German photographer Richard Fleischhut, Bremen, with his stamp recto. He became known for his portraits of famous persons (Marlene Dietrich, Max Schmeling, Cary Grant, Franklin D. Rosevelt and others) taken on the ships Bremen and Columbus. He also took the spectacular photographs when the airship Hindenburg exploded and went down in Lakehurst, USA, the 6th of Mai 1937. Two (2) of the pictures are 180 x 130 mm and two (2) 130 x 180 mm. They are framed, and one of them has been examined out of frame.


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10. 628833. AIRSHIP HINDENBURG. 4 vintage prints by Richard Fleischhut.


Four b/w original photographs - vintage prints - taken from an unidentified ship when the Zeppelin airship Hindenburg passes by. The pictures are taken by the German photographer Richard Fleischhut, Bremen, with his stamp recto. He became known for his portraits of famous persons (Marlene Dietrich, Max Schmeling, Cary Grant, Franklin D. Rosevelt and others) taken on the ships Bremen and Columbus. He also took the spectacular photographs when the airship Hindenburg exploded and went down in Lakehurst, USA, the 6th of Mai 1937. Two (2) of the pictures are 180 x 130 mm and two (2) 130 x 180 mm. They are framed, and one of them has been examined out of frame.


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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 1,283