CAMERA with FLASH, BINOCULARS, RADIOS, 6 parts, Minolta, Blaupunkt, Dux, Vinga, Limer.

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778963. CAMERA with FLASH, BINOCULARS, RADIOS, 6 parts, Minolta, Blaupunkt, Dux, Vinga, Limer.


Camera, flash and binoculars with case.
Camera Minolta Dynax 7000i with instruction booklet and flash Program 3200i.
Binoculars Wing 8 x 30.
Binoculars Limer 7 x 35.
Radio Derby Blaupunkt.
Radio Dux height 20 cm.


Dux lights up but no sound, otherwise not functionally tested.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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778963. CAMERA with FLASH, BINOCULARS, RADIOS, 6 parts, Minolta, Blaupunkt, Dux, Vinga, Limer.


Camera, flash and binoculars with case.
Camera Minolta Dynax 7000i with instruction booklet and flash Program 3200i.
Binoculars Wing 8 x 30.
Binoculars Limer 7 x 35.
Radio Derby Blaupunkt.
Radio Dux height 20 cm.


Dux lights up but no sound, otherwise not functionally tested.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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