BOOKS, 15 pcs, Albert Engström, Stockholm Albert Bonniers Förlag, 1940/42.

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676535. BOOKS, 15 pcs, Albert Engström, Stockholm Albert Bonniers Förlag, 1940/42.


My 5th book through my gold-rimmed glasses Ränningehus-Nobility, priests, smugglers, peasants Adventure and chop shot-One more book At a milestone-Probate record Gothic sand island-Anders Zorn Cross and land survey-Ink and salt water.
Against the evening glow-Naked, etc. At hecklefjäll From my memoirs and other things-With pen and pine pipe My life and life-A book At home and on the air-While it ferments A strange mixture-Muscovites My 12th book-Hemspång and barbed wire Reading book for the Swedish people With Kaaparen to Africa.


Wear, not fully reviewed.

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676535. BOOKS, 15 pcs, Albert Engström, Stockholm Albert Bonniers Förlag, 1940/42.


My 5th book through my gold-rimmed glasses Ränningehus-Nobility, priests, smugglers, peasants Adventure and chop shot-One more book At a milestone-Probate record Gothic sand island-Anders Zorn Cross and land survey-Ink and salt water.
Against the evening glow-Naked, etc. At hecklefjäll From my memoirs and other things-With pen and pine pipe My life and life-A book At home and on the air-While it ferments A strange mixture-Muscovites My 12th book-Hemspång and barbed wire Reading book for the Swedish people With Kaaparen to Africa.


Wear, not fully reviewed.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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