MONICA LORENTZON. Woman and child on a walk in the sunshine, oil on canvas, signed.

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645616. MONICA LORENTZON. Woman and child on a walk in the sunshine, oil on canvas, signed.


41 x 32 cm.
Total dimensions including frame 55 x 47 cm.

Monica Lorentzon, born 1940, is a Swedish artist.

She studied at the Reybekiel School of Art and the Art School in Stockholm. She was awarded the Dag Hammarskjöld prize in 1987. Her art consists of paintings where she applies the paint directly with her fingers and the motifs often contain people rendered in a slightly naïve style.


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Monica Lorentzon (Born 1940)

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645616. MONICA LORENTZON. Woman and child on a walk in the sunshine, oil on canvas, signed.


41 x 32 cm.
Total dimensions including frame 55 x 47 cm.

Monica Lorentzon, born 1940, is a Swedish artist.

She studied at the Reybekiel School of Art and the Art School in Stockholm. She was awarded the Dag Hammarskjöld prize in 1987. Her art consists of paintings where she applies the paint directly with her fingers and the motifs often contain people rendered in a slightly naïve style.


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Monica Lorentzon (Born 1940)

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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