CARPET, antique figural Kirman-Lavar, 480 x 350 cm.

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407063. CARPET, antique figural Kirman-Lavar, 480 x 350 cm.


The carpet is an artistic work of the masters of the time from the city of Kirman-Lavar, south-eastern Persia, made around 1910.

Rich polychrome decoration of animals, incl. a lions, raptors, peacocks, ducks, fish, snakes and decoration of flowers and plants. Pile of wool on cotton warp, plant colors.


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407063. CARPET, antique figural Kirman-Lavar, 480 x 350 cm.


The carpet is an artistic work of the masters of the time from the city of Kirman-Lavar, south-eastern Persia, made around 1910.

Rich polychrome decoration of animals, incl. a lions, raptors, peacocks, ducks, fish, snakes and decoration of flowers and plants. Pile of wool on cotton warp, plant colors.


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