HENRY HALLBERG. Shoe model. Ink / Pastel. Signed.

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202350. HENRY HALLBERG. Shoe model. Ink / Pastel. Signed.


29x39 cm Henry Hallberg was born in Helsingborg. Between the years 1933-1953 he worked as a shoe designer at Malmgren's Shoe Factory in Eslöv From 1954 until 1991 he worked his own studio in Fjälastorp Brunnby.


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202350. HENRY HALLBERG. Shoe model. Ink / Pastel. Signed.


29x39 cm Henry Hallberg was born in Helsingborg. Between the years 1933-1953 he worked as a shoe designer at Malmgren's Shoe Factory in Eslöv From 1954 until 1991 he worked his own studio in Fjälastorp Brunnby.


No remarks.

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