165. FOLKE BENSOW. "Stool no. 1", Näfveqvarn mill, cast iron.

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165. 1950572. FOLKE BENSOW. "Stool no. 1", Näfveqvarn mill, cast iron.


Black and green lacquered, height 50, length 62, seat area 34x48 cm HISTORY The model was displayed at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1925.

LITERATURE Compare Christina Björk, Näfveqvarns bruk - Artists and architects to industry, Orosdi-Back, Stockholm 1913 pg 126-127.



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Folke Bensow (1886–1971)

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165. 1950572. FOLKE BENSOW. "Stool no. 1", Näfveqvarn mill, cast iron.


Black and green lacquered, height 50, length 62, seat area 34x48 cm HISTORY The model was displayed at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1925.

LITERATURE Compare Christina Björk, Näfveqvarns bruk - Artists and architects to industry, Orosdi-Back, Stockholm 1913 pg 126-127.



Resale right



Folke Bensow (1886–1971)

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Fine Art & Antiques Autumn 2021

Welcome to Fine Art & Antiques & Asian Art & Works of Art, an auction filled with the best antiques and outstanding works of art.

The art department shows paintings by masters active as early as the 16th century. Among the furniture we find cabinets, chairs and tables that are in direct dialogue with ancient temple aesthetics. Especially interesting is the exquisite department with Grand Tour objects, a collaboration between curators at two of our ten auction houses.

When is the viewing and the auction?

Viewing 1- 6 December at Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm, Sweden Opening hours Monday - Friday 11am - 6pm. Saturday-Sunday 11am-5pm

Auction Hammer auction 7-8 December,11am CET at Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm

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