NICHOLAS MARKOVITCH. "Gandria; lake of Lugano", lithograph, signed Marc.

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422337. NICHOLAS MARKOVITCH. "Gandria; lake of Lugano", lithograph, signed Marc.


The lithograph is published by Stehil Fréres SA Zurich Switzerland, which also has exclusive rights (copyright) to the publication of the sheet. taken a verso from the leaf, has mao examined Also the publishers, and that they have exclusive rights to the edition, were stated on the back of the magazine.
31 x 21.5 cm.


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422337. NICHOLAS MARKOVITCH. "Gandria; lake of Lugano", lithograph, signed Marc.


The lithograph is published by Stehil Fréres SA Zurich Switzerland, which also has exclusive rights (copyright) to the publication of the sheet. taken a verso from the leaf, has mao examined Also the publishers, and that they have exclusive rights to the edition, were stated on the back of the magazine.
31 x 21.5 cm.


No remarks.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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