LP-DISCS and LP-BOXES, including Swedish music, pop, rock.

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383211. LP-DISCS and LP-BOXES, including Swedish music, pop, rock.


Povel Ramel, Nils Ferlin, Karin Boye, Karl Gerhard, Olle Adolphson, Big Simon, Dan Andersson, Jarl Kulle, Lars Ekborg, "Lindeman holds the box", "120 all time hits", "Teen idols", Phil Spector back to Mono 1958-1969" and more.


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The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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383211. LP-DISCS and LP-BOXES, including Swedish music, pop, rock.


Povel Ramel, Nils Ferlin, Karin Boye, Karl Gerhard, Olle Adolphson, Big Simon, Dan Andersson, Jarl Kulle, Lars Ekborg, "Lindeman holds the box", "120 all time hits", "Teen idols", Phil Spector back to Mono 1958-1969" and more.


Not reviewed.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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