99. WOLFGANG THOMS. Dune with footprints near Archsum on Sylt.

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99. 328317. WOLFGANG THOMS. Dune with footprints near Archsum on Sylt.


Wolfgang Thoms (1926 - 1986, Germany); Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, ornate frame. dimensions approx. 59 x 69 x 7 cm, painting 40 x 50 cm.


Frame slightly bumped and upper strut detached.

Resale right


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99. 328317. WOLFGANG THOMS. Dune with footprints near Archsum on Sylt.


Wolfgang Thoms (1926 - 1986, Germany); Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, ornate frame. dimensions approx. 59 x 69 x 7 cm, painting 40 x 50 cm.


Frame slightly bumped and upper strut detached.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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Catalogue no

14. Auktion - Sommer 2016

Visits: 1,798