CURT TAUSCH. "Two Bears". Bronze, small group of figures.

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316405. CURT TAUSCH. "Two Bears". Bronze, small group of figures.


Curt Tausch (09/06/1899 Koenigsbruck - 03/15/1969 Koenigsbruck); regionally important sculptor, active in the vicinity of the Dresden School. In this lot his small group of figures "Two Bears". Attractive and naturalistic modeled, burnished bronze. Signed on the back of the plinth, dimensions approx. H 15 x W 17.5 x D 12 cm.


Standing bear's back and neck rubbed over the decades from grasping and carrying. Good condition.

Resale right


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316405. CURT TAUSCH. "Two Bears". Bronze, small group of figures.


Curt Tausch (09/06/1899 Koenigsbruck - 03/15/1969 Koenigsbruck); regionally important sculptor, active in the vicinity of the Dresden School. In this lot his small group of figures "Two Bears". Attractive and naturalistic modeled, burnished bronze. Signed on the back of the plinth, dimensions approx. H 15 x W 17.5 x D 12 cm.


Standing bear's back and neck rubbed over the decades from grasping and carrying. Good condition.

Resale right


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