RADIO DEVICES, 5 pcs. Partly Dux, Aga, LM Ericsson, mid 20th century.

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307364. RADIO DEVICES, 5 pcs. Partly Dux, Aga, LM Ericsson, mid 20th century.


Radios from the brands Dux, Aga, LM Ericsson, Centrum and Skantic Length 26-36 cm.


A knob is missing on "Radiola" LM Ericsson, scratches, Normal wear and tear, loose parts heard from Dux, not reviewed. Should be seen as a renovation object.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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307364. RADIO DEVICES, 5 pcs. Partly Dux, Aga, LM Ericsson, mid 20th century.


Radios from the brands Dux, Aga, LM Ericsson, Centrum and Skantic Length 26-36 cm.


A knob is missing on "Radiola" LM Ericsson, scratches, Normal wear and tear, loose parts heard from Dux, not reviewed. Should be seen as a renovation object.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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