RUNDDECKELTRUHE, MINIATUR. Model of a baroque, iron-bound, round-lid chest.

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297337. RUNDDECKELTRUHE, MINIATUR. Model of a baroque, iron-bound, round-lid chest.


model chest; Miniature of a chest with baroque iron fittings and ball feet. Fittings encasing the sides and on the body in the form of a flower stick, dating to the 1st Mid 20th century, locking mechanism works. Approx. Dimensions: W 31 x D 21.5 x H 25 cm.


Side handles are probably missing, screw connections are attached.

Key/keys included.

Resale right


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297337. RUNDDECKELTRUHE, MINIATUR. Model of a baroque, iron-bound, round-lid chest.


model chest; Miniature of a chest with baroque iron fittings and ball feet. Fittings encasing the sides and on the body in the form of a flower stick, dating to the 1st Mid 20th century, locking mechanism works. Approx. Dimensions: W 31 x D 21.5 x H 25 cm.


Side handles are probably missing, screw connections are attached.

Key/keys included.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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