NEO-BAROQUE CONSOLE. Mahogany veneer. Late 19th century.

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199558. NEO-BAROQUE CONSOLE. Mahogany veneer. Late 19th century.


Plinth over four feet rolled in on the front. Curved struts with foliage carvings. Floral-shaped brass fittings on the drawer. key present. Slightly projecting, curved cover plate.
Height 76cm. Width 86.7cm. Depth 46 cm.


Slight signs of age and partially retouched areas.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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199558. NEO-BAROQUE CONSOLE. Mahogany veneer. Late 19th century.


Plinth over four feet rolled in on the front. Curved struts with foliage carvings. Floral-shaped brass fittings on the drawer. key present. Slightly projecting, curved cover plate.
Height 76cm. Width 86.7cm. Depth 46 cm.


Slight signs of age and partially retouched areas.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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