MUG VASE. unique. Albrecht Greiner-Mai, signed.

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174817. MUG VASE. unique. Albrecht Greiner-Mai, signed.


Fine lamp-blown cobalt blue glass with window-like fused rounded squares and clear glass bands. In the middle of each melted blue-colorless large flower-like glass nub, slightly conical towards the top. Height 19.8 cm / diameter approx. 9 cm.


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174817. MUG VASE. unique. Albrecht Greiner-Mai, signed.


Fine lamp-blown cobalt blue glass with window-like fused rounded squares and clear glass bands. In the middle of each melted blue-colorless large flower-like glass nub, slightly conical towards the top. Height 19.8 cm / diameter approx. 9 cm.


No remarks.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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