79. BAYER, T. S. (Bayero, Theophilo Sigefrido.) Solar eclipses & Chinese language.

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79. 628893. BAYER, T. S. (Bayero, Theophilo Sigefrido.) Solar eclipses & Chinese language.


De eclipsi sinica. Liber singularis sinorvm de eclipsi solis quae Christo in crucem acto facta esse creditur indicivm examinans et momento suo ponderans. MH Heredes, Regiomonte, 1718. 4th in a slightly worn near contemporary half leather binding with marbled boards. Slightly soiled title, otherwise rare spots. With calligraphed Chinese folded plate as frontispiece. Front. (IV), 42 p. , (XIV). About solar eclipse and Chinese language.


Slightly soiled title, otherwise rare spots.

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79. 628893. BAYER, T. S. (Bayero, Theophilo Sigefrido.) Solar eclipses & Chinese language.


De eclipsi sinica. Liber singularis sinorvm de eclipsi solis quae Christo in crucem acto facta esse creditur indicivm examinans et momento suo ponderans. MH Heredes, Regiomonte, 1718. 4th in a slightly worn near contemporary half leather binding with marbled boards. Slightly soiled title, otherwise rare spots. With calligraphed Chinese folded plate as frontispiece. Front. (IV), 42 p. , (XIV). About solar eclipse and Chinese language.


Slightly soiled title, otherwise rare spots.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 571