51. ART/ART. The miniature. (Miniatures). 2 works in German.

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51. 628869. ART/ART. The miniature. (Miniatures). 2 works in German.


Die Miniaturen-Sammlung seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Grossherzogs Ernst Ludwig von Hessen und Bei Rhein. Kurt Wolf Verlag von G. Biermann und Dr. Brinckmann. K. Wolff, 1917. No. 216 of 350 printed copies. Large folio in a blue half morocco binding with marbled boards. Slightly rubbed binding. With 148 plates with approx. 500 reproductions of which some are colored.+ Miniaturen-Katalog zusammengestellt von Albert Jaffe. Softbound folio with 920 reproductions. Tissue guarded plates. Foreword in German, English and French. In all 2 vols.


Slightly rubbed binding.

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51. 628869. ART/ART. The miniature. (Miniatures). 2 works in German.


Die Miniaturen-Sammlung seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Grossherzogs Ernst Ludwig von Hessen und Bei Rhein. Kurt Wolf Verlag von G. Biermann und Dr. Brinckmann. K. Wolff, 1917. No. 216 of 350 printed copies. Large folio in a blue half morocco binding with marbled boards. Slightly rubbed binding. With 148 plates with approx. 500 reproductions of which some are colored.+ Miniaturen-Katalog zusammengestellt von Albert Jaffe. Softbound folio with 920 reproductions. Tissue guarded plates. Foreword in German, English and French. In all 2 vols.


Slightly rubbed binding.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 664