410. LAGERLÖF, SELMA. With dedication to Fredrik Wulff (2).

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410. 629113. LAGERLÖF, SELMA. With dedication to Fredrik Wulff (2).


A child's memoir. (Mårbacka II). With fine dedication. Albert Bonnier's publishing house, Stockholm, 1930. 8vo in a brown half morocco binding with faded spine and marbled covers. (E. Hansson's Bookbinderi, Lund). Covers bound. With nice dedication on the half-title page: "Fredrik Wulff, may the child's style find grace for the strict examiner wishes Selma Lagerlöf.Fredrik Wulff, legendary professor of Romance languages in Lund. + Diary for Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf. Mårbacka III. Albert Bonnier's publisher, Stockholm, 1932. In the same band as the previous one. A total of 2 vols.



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410. 629113. LAGERLÖF, SELMA. With dedication to Fredrik Wulff (2).


A child's memoir. (Mårbacka II). With fine dedication. Albert Bonnier's publishing house, Stockholm, 1930. 8vo in a brown half morocco binding with faded spine and marbled covers. (E. Hansson's Bookbinderi, Lund). Covers bound. With nice dedication on the half-title page: "Fredrik Wulff, may the child's style find grace for the strict examiner wishes Selma Lagerlöf.Fredrik Wulff, legendary professor of Romance languages in Lund. + Diary for Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf. Mårbacka III. Albert Bonnier's publisher, Stockholm, 1932. In the same band as the previous one. A total of 2 vols.



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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 412