16. ALMQVIST, CJ L. 8 works.

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16. 624519. ALMQVIST, CJ L. 8 works.


8 works by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist in 11 vol. some of which are beautifully bound. Bl. a. Menniskoslägtets Saga or General Word History combined with Geography I-VI in 1 vol. Stockholm, 1839-41. Beautiful 8vo in a later light red half-French binding with black title label, gilt spine decoration, marbled covers and top gold trim. Otherwise uncut. Bookbinding by Gustaf Hedberg. With all printed booklet covers bound in at the end. + Monograph. Jönköping, 1844-45 in a similar binding as sheepherding + Tales of the dead. Jönköping, 1845. Same band. + Almquistiana of Joh. Axel Almquist. With printed covers. Torn in the binding. In red cover with tie. + 3 more works by/about Almqvist. A total of 11 vols.


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16. 624519. ALMQVIST, CJ L. 8 works.


8 works by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist in 11 vol. some of which are beautifully bound. Bl. a. Menniskoslägtets Saga or General Word History combined with Geography I-VI in 1 vol. Stockholm, 1839-41. Beautiful 8vo in a later light red half-French binding with black title label, gilt spine decoration, marbled covers and top gold trim. Otherwise uncut. Bookbinding by Gustaf Hedberg. With all printed booklet covers bound in at the end. + Monograph. Jönköping, 1844-45 in a similar binding as sheepherding + Tales of the dead. Jönköping, 1845. Same band. + Almquistiana of Joh. Axel Almquist. With printed covers. Torn in the binding. In red cover with tie. + 3 more works by/about Almqvist. A total of 11 vols.


No remarks.

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Catalogue no

Bokauktion, 524

Sunday May 28th, 12-16
Wednesday May 31st, 14-18
Thursday June 1st, 14-18
Friday June 2nd, 14-18
Saturday June 3rd, 10-12

Visits: 1,036