OPENING CARD. Andy Warhol "Skulls" Offset Print. Brooke Alexander Editions. New York.

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207102. OPENING CARD. Andy Warhol "Skulls" Offset Print. Brooke Alexander Editions. New York.


Andy Warhol. Eight portfolios 1972-1987 January 25-march 3. 1990 Opening. Thursday, January 25th. From 6 to 8 pm In collaboration with Matthew Marks.
Brooke Alexander Editions 476 Bromme street New York, New York 10013 Telephone 212 / 925-2070 Fax 212 / 941-9565 Dimensions approx. 23x18 cm.
Folded about 23x36 cm.


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207102. OPENING CARD. Andy Warhol "Skulls" Offset Print. Brooke Alexander Editions. New York.


Andy Warhol. Eight portfolios 1972-1987 January 25-march 3. 1990 Opening. Thursday, January 25th. From 6 to 8 pm In collaboration with Matthew Marks.
Brooke Alexander Editions 476 Bromme street New York, New York 10013 Telephone 212 / 925-2070 Fax 212 / 941-9565 Dimensions approx. 23x18 cm.
Folded about 23x36 cm.


No remarks.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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