COIN, silver, denarius, Julius Caesar 46-44 BC.

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204745. COIN, silver, denarius, Julius Caesar 46-44 BC.


Caesar, together with Crassus and Pompey the Great, formed the first triumvirate. After Crassus was captured and executed and Pompey was defeated, he was appointed dictator in 46 BC. The coin is struck 45 or 44 BC. It bears Caesar's portrait and is the first type of coin to depict a living person.
Weight 3.8 grams.


Normal wear and tear.

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204745. COIN, silver, denarius, Julius Caesar 46-44 BC.


Caesar, together with Crassus and Pompey the Great, formed the first triumvirate. After Crassus was captured and executed and Pompey was defeated, he was appointed dictator in 46 BC. The coin is struck 45 or 44 BC. It bears Caesar's portrait and is the first type of coin to depict a living person.
Weight 3.8 grams.


Normal wear and tear.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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